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Health facts about East Africa

The East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda are generally free from any health risk/hazard. There are no current existing epidemics in all the safari destination areas. However, we advise that you take the following health information crucial for your health safety while on your visit to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania or to Rwanda.

A) Mandatory Health requirements before entry in Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania or Rwanda

Yellow fever vaccination is mandatory before entry in all East African countries. You will be required to avail a Yellow fever vaccination certificate before entry. In the event that you don’t have this certificate, kindly organize and get vaccinated before travel.

B) Recommended Vaccinations

It’s recommended that you obtain vaccinations for Hepatitis B and A, Mengitis, Tetanus and Typhoid especially if you’re to get closer to wild animals.

It is also advisable that you obtain Malaria prophylaxis before your travel and also add a course of malaria treatment in your medical kit.

C) Other essential recommendations

• It’s recommended that you sleep under a treated mosquito net at your lodges while on visit to Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania or Rwanda.

• It’s further recommended that you drink bottled water and also peel or wash fresh fruits and vegetables before eating to avoid exposure to infections such as diarrhea, typhoid, stomach upsets, dysentery, cholera and others.

• Carry a basic medical kit that has the basic emergence medical supplies. You can travel with it or purchase it from various dispensing pharmacies in the various tour destinations.

• We advise that you take precaution and always ensure to stay free from contracting HIV/AIDS. We recommend that you always use protection in the event that you wish to have sexual intercourse with any one while in East Africa.

• It’s advised that you carry shades/sunglasses for protection against dust, bacteria and any foreign elements that may drop into your eyes.

• Travel Insurance is essential as it helps to cover in the event that you need emergency treatment or coverage on any other insurable risk.